A Note About the Winter Blues
The holidays are a time of celebration for most of us, but they
can be overwhelming and stressful for many people. For some of my
patients, this time of year can be a time of sadness, loneliness and anxiety.
Here are a few recommendations to help all of us enjoy a more
joyful holiday season:
1. Set realistic expectations and goals for the season.
Focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
2. Plan something YOU enjoy each week. Feed your
spirit and your soul.
3. Give yourself permission not to be "jolly" all day
4. Volunteer. Lend a helping hand to someone else who
has problems.
5. Take a break. Scheduling some time for rest, or
just quit when you feel overextended. You are a person, not a "to-do"
list. Go for a walk or get some exercise indoors.
6. Reach out to your circle of friends, and ask for help
when you need it.
7. If you have SAD, a treatable condition characterized by
depression that occurs in late fall and winter and ends in spring and summer,
get treatment. Call Karen. Remember that therapy and exercise help.
Pittsburgh offers some programs that lend light boxes (which also help) to folks
with Seasonal Affective Disorder.